Let's contemplate together! Let's dive deep below the surface of common conversation. Let's vibrate on the highest frequency level imaginable! Let's resonate with GOD's understanding. Let's use this brain and life we have been given, to analyze our thoughts and actions, to understand why we do what we do, and why we say what we say.
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George's Philosophy Corner, LLC

Concise thoughts. Deep inspiration.
Food for your SOUL. Stoic in nature.
Understanding the universe.
Wisdom for your daily routine.
Practical Philosophy for an enriching LIFE.
Wise people know that wisdom can be gifted from any source. My hope to you is that a little bit of this ancient philosophy,
which found me, will also find you,
and will help society thrive on these basic principles.
With infinite gratitude and appreciation,
Thank You. Namaste.
The GPC Collection
(Deluxe Hardcover Photobooks)
The GPC Collection
(Digital E-Books)

About the Author
Who am I? I am no one. I am nothing. I am an open book. I yearn to learn of what is known and unknown. I am a glass that is not full, open to be filled.
I am George A. Preston, a Licensed Professional Engineer, and Philosophy Enthusiast.
I am creativity, philosophy, art, music, digital media, fitness, nature,
writing, graphic design, ancient history, and a positive spirt.
We are all part of the same collective consciousness. We all come from the same source. We are one. I am everyone. I am you.