Full GPC Book Collection

Looking for an inspirational read? Looking for deep contemplating thoughts? 🧠 Looking to understand the universe a bit better? 🌌 Looking to change your life or perspective? Check out my book series, for "GPC". The hardback photobooks are the perfect pieces of art to have handy and flip through for inspiration in your living room or library. And for cost savings, you can easily be inspired by the same material on your phone or tablet, via Amazon Kindle Ebook, or Google Play books. Namaste. Thanks. ✌🏼

References Include:
The Bible, Philosophers, Scientists, Engineers, Astronomers, Physicists, Musicians, Martial Arts, Psychologists, Taoism, "The Matrix", "The Wayseer Manifesto", "Spirit Science", "Art of War", and wisdom from experience.
Thoughts Inspired by:
(Jesus, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Rumi, Sun Tzu, Buddha, Dante, Homer, Virgil, Pythagoras, Allan Watts, John Locke, John Lennon, Tupac, Horace, Epicurus, Bruce Lee, Confucius, Freud, Descartes, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Stanley Kubrick, Carl Sagon, MLK Jr, Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, Jim Carrey, Garret John LoPorto, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Eminem, Kanye West, Lady Gaga, Jordan River, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Marianne Williamson, Michio Kaku, Tesla, and Einstein)