About GPC


George Preston
Author, Digital Content Creator
Who am I? I am no one. I am nothing.
I am an open book. I yearn to learn of what is known and unknown.
I am a glass that is not full, open to be filled.
I am George A. Preston.
I am creativity, philosophy, art, music, digital media, fitness,
nature, writing, graphic design, ancient history, and a positive spirt.
In this life, I am a Licensed Professional Engineer by trade, Philosopher by heart. I have studied many academic sciences and "fringe" sciences throughout the years. I am a graduate of Woodbridge High, and Virginia Tech. I am now the President of an Engineering firm. I hold a P.E. License in VA, MD, and DC. I was classically trained as a violist in the Orchestra in my youth.
I have also been trained in Martial Arts - achieving a black belt,
and trained in American Football - becoming High School Varsity Captain.
I have an outstanding older son Isaac , and an energetic younger son Alexander,
both of whom I have gleaned much insight from about life.
My enthusiastic mother, Emilie, taught me the importance of education
and raised me as a single mother, so I have also withstood struggle.
I have Native American roots, Caribbean roots, and Washington DC roots.
Perspective from many different cultures,
and wisdom from many different subjects,
in order to shape the person I am today.
We are all part of the same collective consciousness.
We all come from the same source.
We are one. I am everyone. I am you.

References Include:
The Bible, Philosophers, Scientists, Engineers, Astronomers, Physicists, Musicians, Martial Arts, Psychologists, Taoism, "The Matrix", "The Wayseer Manifesto", "Spirit Science", "Art of War", and wisdom from experience.
Thoughts Inspired by:
Jesus, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Rumi, Sun Tzu, Buddha, Dante, Homer, Virgil, Pythagoras, Allan Watts, John Locke, John Lennon, Tupac, Horace, Epicurus, Bruce Lee, Confucius, Freud, Descartes, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Stanley Kubrick, Carl Sagon, MLK Jr, Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, Jim Carrey, Garret John LoPorto, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Eminem, Kanye West, Lady Gaga, Jordan River, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Marianne Williamson, Michio Kaku, Tesla, and Einstein.